Members Bowls

Step onto the green as a playing member

Finding a new sport as an adult can be daunting. You’ve got a passion for competition, but a laugh is just as important. Step onto the green as a playing member.

Join our vibrant community, enjoy the outdoors, channel your competitive spirit and be part of a supportive team. The game might be the reason you join, but it’s the friendships that will keep you coming back.

TuesdayMixed Social Bowls
WednesdayJackpot Pairs
ThursdayLadies Bowls
FridayMen’s Social Bowls

Bookings must be made at least three days in advance.

View Booking Terms and Conditions

Bowls Membership

We believe bowls should be both accessible and
enjoyable for everyone in our community.

Your Campbelltown Bowling Club membership,
also includes social membership to
Campbeltown Catholic Club and Campbelltown Golf Club.



Conditions apply on all Memberships. Rates are per annum/ pro rata.
Full Year Membership: 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024.


To join, visit us at the Club and we’ll get it all sorted for you.


Why Join?

There are so many reasons why people enjoy bowls as a member of our Club. For us, connection and community is what drives us – bowls may be the reason we come, but it’s the friendships that keep us coming back.


Bowls is a highly social sport. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and be part of a supportive and friendly community that extends beyond the greens.

Inclusive, low impact sport

Bowls is a non-strenuous sport, making it accessible to people of different fitness levels and ages.

Strategic thinking

While Bowls may seem simple on the surface, it requires strategic thinking and planning. Players must consider the position of their opponents’ bowls, the condition of the green, and the best approach to win the game. This mental challenge attracts those who enjoy tactical gameplay.

Competitive spirit

Bowls can be played both recreationally and competitively. For those who enjoy competition, there are various tournaments and competitions at local, national, and even international levels.

Sense of achievement

Mastering the techniques and skills required for bowls can provide a great sense of accomplishment. To see yourself improve overtime makes it incredibly rewarding.

Outdoor activity

Bowls provides a great opportunity to get out and enjoy time outdoors with friends in an active, social game.

Bowls Calendar

Members of Campbelltown Bowling enjoy a full calendar of social and competitive bowls year round.

Our weekday social games, In-house Championships and Special Events are suitable for all experience levels – the main aim is getting out there and having a go. For the more competitive types, Zone Tournaments and Pennants are the perfect way to flex that competitive spirit.

Club Uniforms

In 2023, we’ve launched a new uniform range with the team at Sports Magic.

As a member, you can order your uniforms online direct with our supplier and have them shipped directly to your house or here to the Club. If you’d like to see them in person, or try them on for size, we have a sizing kit here at the Club.

Bowls Coaching

Free bowls coaching is available Tuesday’s and Friday’s
between 4pm-6pm via appointment.

Our club coach is Kevin Casserly. Kevin is a member here at Campbelltown Bowling Club and is also a qualified Bowls Australia coach. Coaching is for everyone, young and old! Whether you would like to better your competition game, or are wanting to learn the basics of bowls, Kevin is our go to!

Appointment taken via booking sheet at Campbelltown Bowling Club. Visit us to sign up or contact us via (02)4625 1043

A little bit about Kevin
Kevin started bowling in 1971. After a back injury sustained playing tennis, his doctor suggest playing bowls, which at the time Kevin suggested that is was an ‘old man’s sport’. In the 90’s he started bowling at The Hills bowling club alongside Ian Schuback, a three time world bowls champion. He later played at Camden Bowling Club in Grade 2 pennants, winning the runner up badge against legend bowler, Bob Pinkerton.

During the 2000’s Kevin competed in the winning team for Zone 12, in a variety of grades of Pennants 11 times between 1997 to 2019. Throughout the years Kevin has also been apart of the winning teams and runner up teams for many bowls tournaments and championships.

In 2015, Kevin completed the Bowls Australia Club Coaches Course and has been sharing his knowledge of bowls ever since. He joined our team at Campbelltown Bowling Club in December 2023.

Honour Board

Winning teams, individual winners, championships winners and amazing players are all honoured each year for their achievements at our Club.